
How do I return the items I've checked out?

Answered By: Laura Bernhardt
Last Updated: Aug 14, 2020 Views: 70

Print materials (books) and audiovisual materials (DVDs, CDs, books on tape) can be returned at any time using the book drop outside of the library, and we would prefer that you use the book drop for these items whenever possible. There is a drop located in the rotunda hallway of the Rice Library building, across from the Library entrance. There is also a drive-up drop located in the semi-circle driveway behind Rice Library off University Boulevard. If, for some reason, you require special assistance with a returned item, you may bring it inside to the front desk.

Equipment (iPads, laptops, microphones, cables, etc.) should be returned at the front desk inside the library.

Remember: Visitors inside the library are required to wear masks at all times.

Q. How do I return the items I've checked out?